srhr Archives - HACEY ...a healthy and sustainable society for all. Fri, 03 Jun 2022 16:25:29 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 srhr Archives - HACEY 32 32 167468420 Handling Sexual Violence Against Children Fri, 03 Jun 2022 15:49:50 +0000 As a result of the circumstances in which the girl child finds herself in urban Nigeria, she is vulnerable to...

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As a result of the circumstances in which the girl child finds herself in urban Nigeria, she is vulnerable to physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. Millions of girl children worldwide face sexual abuse, which can occur at home, school, or in the community. According to UNICEF, at least 120 million girls under the age of 20 (roughly one in every ten) have been forced to engage in sex or other sexual acts, though the actual figure is likely much higher. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one out of every ten children worldwide is sexually abused.

The girl child victims experience an increased risk of sexually transmitted infections, pain, illness, unwanted pregnancy, social isolation, and psychological trauma and, in turn, have resorted to risky behaviors such as substance use, as well as suicidal tendencies in other to cope with trauma. Experiencing child sexual abuse can also increase a person’s risk for future victimization. For example, recent studies have found that; Females exposed to child sexual abuse are at 2-13 times increased risk of sexual violence victimization in adulthood, and people who experienced child sexual abuse are at twice the risk for non-sexual intimate partner violence. In most cases, the girl child is abused and then made to feel personally responsible, guilty, or persecuted. They are often threatened with violence if they speak up about the sexual abuse or abuser, which has affected victims’ self-esteem and confidence. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, the year 2020 recorded a fourfold increase in various forms of violence against women and girls. This underscored the need to continue to fund, respond to, prevent the occurrence and collect robust evidence of violence against them.

No community has developed mechanisms that ensure that none of their female children will be sexually abused, but there are several ways we can help to stop this social menace in our society and this includes; Speaking to a girl child in your family or community about sexual abuse, tell them that unwanted contact is never acceptable and that it’s OK to speak up if someone makes them uncomfortable; Perpetrators should be held accountable for abuse and ensure victims know that justice is served to their abuser; Also members of the society should support survivors and call out sexual violence and harassment when they see it, this would help girls to live and work in safety as they grow up. Parents should watch those they bring to their homes, particularly the so-called aunties, uncles, and family friends. They should also create the time to interact with their children as this would help the children open up when they have challenges or have suffered any form of sexual abuse.

In conclusion, a comprehensive campaign is needed that combats sexual abuse, gender-based inequalities, discrimination, exploitation, oppression, inhuman values, and violations of human rights against the girl child. People must radically change their attitudes and actions towards girl children, this is because the girl children are not a commodity or sex objects but “humans’ worthy to be loved, respected, valued and cared for.”

Visit us at for more on the girl child.

Written By:

Mercy Kalu

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The Roles School Play in Sex Education Mon, 21 Mar 2022 11:33:41 +0000 Schools play an instrumental role in disseminating vital information about sexual health. The school setting provides a crucial venue for the...

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Schools play an instrumental role in disseminating vital information about sexual health. The school setting provides a crucial venue for the dissemination of information and skills that might enable young people to avoid harmful behaviors; unfortunately, many Nigerian students still do not have access to secondary or even basic sex education in their schools. An effective sex education stresses love, healthy sex, abstinence, respect for others and oneself, diversity, rights and responsibilities, relationships and friendships, effective communication, decision-making skills, and prevention of risky behaviors.

School-based sexuality education is one of the primary responsibilities of a school in preparing its students for healthy and fulfilling adult lives.

Understanding and identifying healthy and harmful relationship patterns are effective ways to communicate relationship needs and handle conflict. Also, techniques to avoid or exit an unhealthy relationship should all make part of a teacher’s sex education.

Most children may struggle with body image concerns, which can have a negative impact on their self-esteem. It is a teacher’s responsibility to help such pupils accept their sexuality and feel comfortable in their own skin.

As part of their responsibilities in sex education, teachers should also provide students with a safe space where they can discuss matters that they may not be able to openly discuss. A safe space encourages learners to be optimistic and confident as they study and ask questions; it is free of negative judgments and discourages censorship, instead of encouraging an open and honest environment.

Students should be educated on the fundamentals of privacy. In the later stages of childhood, children may begin engaging in activities such as asking one another about their bodies. They may also begin steering at one another’s bodies in bathrooms, or even showing intimate body parts to one another. It is critical to discuss with students the fundamental rules of their bodies.

It is imperative that they understand that their bodies belong to them and that no one should touch them without their permission. Students should be taught to reject unwanted bodily contact, whether it is appropriate or not, including kissing, hugging, and other forms of physical contact.

The difference between a decent touch and a bad touch should be clear to them. The Underwear Rule is an excellent way to teach this. This indicates that touching anything covered by underpants is inappropriate. Additionally, they should be encouraged to seek advice from a trustworthy adult or family member when they are subjected to improper touching.

When students are taught there are positive secrets and bad secrets, they are less likely to be tricked by sexual abusers into keeping secrets. Particularly if they are being inappropriately handled or mistreated.

HACEY has engaged in helping young people understand their bodies and their sexuality, which has had a significant impact. Our Safe Space project and Youth Amplify provides a comfort zone and better understand of one’s sexuality.

Visit our website at for more information.

Written By:

Michael Adegboye

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Sex Education for Children: Parents’ Responsibilities Mon, 14 Mar 2022 09:24:20 +0000 Effective sex education program provides information about body development, sexuality, relationships, and skills to help young people make informed decisions...

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Effective sex education program provides information about body development, sexuality, relationships, and skills to help young people make informed decisions about their sexual health. As the choices people make can have a long-term influence on their health and well-being.

A female child’s libido, sexuality, and sexual activity will undoubtedly influence her as she matures and She has the right to have a healthy life. It is society’s obligation to prepare a child by providing them with comprehensive sexual health education that equips them with the tools they need to make healthy sexual choices.

Many parents overlook the importance of sex education in the early years of a child’s life. When it comes to sexual problems, women are the majority of the victims. Some of these issues arise as a result of their sexual health being neglected.

It is critical that parents teach their children about sex education. Else, they may have learn it from elsewhere, where they may have been misled. Parents have a duty to prevent their children from stepping beyond their capabilities sexwise.

Statistics from UNICEF state that one in every four females is sexually abused before the age of 18. Sexual abuse should be taught to children by their parents. Many have been naively lured into sex at a young age, which eventually leads to adolescent pregnancy and others becoming addicts, which leads to prostitution.

They also need to understand their bodies, including the changes that occur as they approach puberty. A girl child must grasp the fundamental operations of her sexual organ and how to care for it to avoid unnatural alterations in their bodies. Additionally, it is necessary to notify them when they are about to breach the limit pertaining to their sexual organs or have been inappropriately touched by strangers or family members.

Parents should allow their children discuss their sexuality or any sexual issue that concerns them in a safe environment. According to what they discussed, parents should neither judge or impose fear on their children. They should guide them, counsel them, and find a solution to the problem.

Parents play a vital role in the life of a child. Hence, HACEY is urging parents to take responsibility and ensure that children are taught about sexual education and are prepared to use it if necessary. Also, our Safe space project can complement this train as we offer a safe space for girls to talk about anything without any form of judgment.

Learn more about our Safe space project at www. Hacey, org.

Written By:

Michael Adegboye

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HACEY Independent Working Group Visits Ondo Health Ministry To Discuss Youth Access to SRH Information Wed, 29 Sep 2021 12:49:49 +0000 An Independent Working Group (IWG) formed by HACEY Health Initiative has visited the Ondo state Ministry of Health to discuss...

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An Independent Working Group (IWG) formed by HACEY Health Initiative has visited the Ondo state Ministry of Health to discuss ways to improve youth’s access to sexual and reproductive health information.

HACEY Health Initiative, a leading development organisation focused on improving the health and productivity of the vulnerable and under-served population in Africa formed the group and tasked them with the role of advocating for improved access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) information and services for young people.

The Independent Working Group (IWG) is constituted of 6 students who have shown interest in increasing young people’s awareness of their sexual Health and Rights while also increasing access to youth-friendly SRH services.

The visit which took place at the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ondo State Ministry of Health on Tuesday had in attendance the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Pharm. Folukemi Aladenola;  Director of Family, Health and Nutrition, Dr. Isaac Aladeniyi; other key officers of the ministry and HACEY’s Youth Amplify Project Manager, Kemi Omole.

Aladenola Folukemi applauded the move by the group stating that Young People’s Sexual and Reproductive Health is an integral part of their total wellbeing and needs to be hugely prioritized.

The Permanent Secretary emphasized that it was more pertinent to encourage the spread of the news of abstinence amongst young people as this will help young people preserve their dignity.

HACEY’s Youth Amplify Project Manager, Kemi Omole stated that conservative society often frowns at sex education as it believes that this leads to increased sexual behaviour, but that sexual health education enables young people to make informed decisions regarding their sexual health and rights.

In a document shared by IWG, they stated that “SRH rights and full availability of the associated human rights are at the core of young people’s transition into adulthood and has a good likelihood of influencing their health and life outcomes and there is a mandatory need to support and uphold these rights to prevent the occurrence of its negative impact.

Young people need to be educated, healthy, free from STIs and HIV, and not exposed to violence, unintended pregnancy or unsafe abortion regardless of their identity.

“Young people are digital natives and mostly turn to social media as a platform for interaction, connection, and access to information, it is of utmost importance to leverage this platform as a tool for disseminating accurate SRH information,” the document read.

They went on to state the importance of providing opportunities for active participation for young people to contribute, learn and explore their sexual health needs and rights. If this is not ensured the consequences for young people are almost always evident in the status of their overall health & wellbeing, education, and future work life.

HACEY selected the students and tasked them with the roles of monitoring and giving recommendations on how to improve the quality of delivery of SRH services in the state, suggest policy recommendations to the State Ministry of Health from learnings from the project, provide feedback from young people who used the services, amongst other key role bothering on Youth and their access to sexual health information.

The Youth Amplify project implemented by HACEY and funded by Amplify Change U.K is designed to increase awareness and uptake of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and products amongst young people in tertiary institutions in Ekiti, Lagos, Ondo, Osun, and Oyo States, Nigeria. This project seeks to leverage the power of digital media especially social media to create awareness about SRH among young people as well as inform them on available SRH services in each state and how they can access such services.

HACEY supports the ideology that every individual in the society has the right to make his or her own choice about sexual and reproductive health in fulfilling fundamental human rights obligations.  

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World Contraception Day: The role of contraceptives in family planning Sun, 26 Sep 2021 19:33:32 +0000 Whether a married woman with four children, an unmarried youth or an adolescent, access to contraceptives should be easy and...

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Whether a married woman with four children, an unmarried youth or an adolescent, access to contraceptives should be easy and without judgement. The Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS 2018) report states that 35% of adolescent females &10% of adolescent males, and 86% of female youths & 47% of male youths are sexually active.

However, there are still inadequate Youth Friendly Family Planning (FP) services to cater to this growing population of young people. The proportion who uses contraceptives relies on available methods over the counter (condoms and Emergency Contraceptive Pills ECP’s) or other traditional means for preventing pregnancy (concoctions).
Additionally, the unavailability of a policy that expressly gives young people unrestricted access to FP services without parental consent or providers’ discretion limits young people’s confidence in visiting the available centres due to fear of providers bias. Based on feedback received from beneficiaries on the Youth Amplify project across the five implementation states (Oyo, Osun, Ondo, Lagos and Ekiti), lack of information on contraceptives to make informed choices, socio-cultural beliefs and provider’s attitudes remain a significant challenge to acceptability and use of contraception amongst young people.
Evidence has shown that contraception presents excellent opportunities and benefits for Nations and their economies by preventing pregnancy-related health risks, reducing infant mortality, preventing HIV/AIDS, empowering people, enhancing education, reducing adolescent pregnancies, and slowing population growth. Since 2017, every 26th September has been set aside to commemorate World Contraception Day to raise public awareness on contraception and enable young people to make informed choices on their sexual and reproductive health.
This year’s event, which is themed My life, My responsibility, re-enforces the right of every female to decide when and the number of children to bear.

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