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Maternal Health and COVID-19

HACEY / COVID-19 / Maternal Health and COVID-19

In December, Lade visited her doctor, and he confirmed she was going to have a baby. As the months have gone by, pregnancy, which is supposed to be good news for any woman, now causes worry, as she wonders how she could safely deliver and nurse her child amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Pregnant women are more susceptible to the corona-virus infection due to immune alterations and changes. Visiting health centres may increase the chance of infection, however, lack of medical care during pregnancy is harmful to the health of both mother and her unborn child.

What is Maternal Health?

Maternal health is the health of women and children during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Even though maternal mortality is preventable, it has continued to increase in many nations of the world. In 2017, Sub-Saharan Africa alone accounted for roughly two-thirds (196 000) of maternal deaths – WHO

In 2017, Sub-Saharan Africa alone accounted for roughly two-thirds (196 000) of maternal deaths.

Maternal Health and COVID19

Pregnant women are more susceptible to the corona-virus infection due to immune alterations and changes. Visiting health centres may increase the chance of infection, however, lack of medical care during pregnancy is harmful to the health of both mother and her unborn child.

Studies have shown that pregnant women can pass Coronavirus or COVID-19 to their babies either through close contact with them after delivery or through a cough or sneeze, in the form of virus droplets on a newborn. The babies show mild symptoms of the virus such as pneumonia, mild respiratory distress, and fever, and the virus could also induce labour prematurely.

Nevertheless, there is a glimmer of hope for infected mothers as many studies show that there were rare cases of complications for infected babies. One particular study shows that out of 33 babies born to infected mothers in Wuhan, China, only three tested positive for the virus in the days after birth and recovered fully thereafter. Many women are currently in Lade’s position; they are confused about what to do and how to protect their babies from Coronavirus.

Maternal Health During Post Partum

After birth, you can protect your baby from the virus by wearing a facemask when close to the baby, washing your hands before and after feeding the baby and disinfecting surfaces regularly. It is believed that the virus cannot be transmitted through the breast milk of infected mothers. Pura Rayco-Solon, a WHO scientist noted that breast milk helps to protect babies against infections and boosts newborns antibodies against diseases a mother has fought off.

7 Easy Steps Pregnant Woman Can Stay Healthy and Protected From COVID-19

  • Stay up to date on COVID 19 developments issued by health authorities and follow their guidelines.
  • Eat healthily, Stock up food supplies beneficial to your health as advised by your doctor.
  • Exercise regularly at home and take your drugs/supplements
  • Transmission of the virus may happen during the birth process, ensure that you have with you a safe birthing kit.
  • Follow strict infection control measures and contact the nearest COVID Centre for screening if you show symptoms of the virus.
  • Quarantine if you test positive to the virus, and ensure that your baby/babies are closely monitored.
  • Be sure to make your hospital number as one of your ICE (In case of emergency) speed dial number, in case you go into labour.


Due to difficulty to visit proper health centres during this period, a well-managed system that helps pregnant women like Lade feel secure and access quality maternal health care with minimum exposure risk, is desired.

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